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Import ads BETA

We added functions for import of the ads!

At the moment the import of ads on Flagma possible for all sections of the ads.

Supported file formats XLS(X), YML or XML to 10 MB (when the file is loaded from the computer) and file formats such as YML, XML up to 100 MB (if you download the link to the file). It is possible to import ad format used on Prom.ua.

How to use import.

To use import, you must log on to the website and go to My account. Clicking on the tab Import ads in the left column will take you to the import ads page where you can download the files and read the rules add the imported files.
Import ads
The import ads page in the personal Cabinet of the user.
To import ads accepted such file formats: XLS(X), YML, XML
Read the instructions:
Import ads in XLS(X) format We also support importing files in the format of the site Prom.ua
Currently, import ads running in beta. In case of any errors / difficulties in downloading or uploading information, please, contact with describing of problem via the contact form, we will try to respond quickly to requests.

Import ads in XLS(X) format

To import ads using an Excel spreadsheet, you must:
  1. Download Xls file template on our portal.
  2. Fill it and save.
First row of the table (the header) must contain the field names (cannot be deleted), all other rows of the field values for each imported item.
Second line in the XLS file template is shown as an example of filling, the line must be removed.
A description of the field types to import
Field name Description
id Unique identifier (id) of the ads on the website Flagma is an integer. If you already have an ad with that id, it is updated, otherwise it will be added a new ad.
Type Ad type - "Sell" or "Buy".
If this field is empty, then the type is automatically defined as a "Sell".
Name * Ad name.
Please do not enter any contact information in this field.
Mandatory field.
Description * Describe one product or service.
Please do not enter any contact information in this field.
Mandatory field.
Final subcategory * Final subcategory of the product or service.
For the convenience of filling this field, you can download a list of all categories of the portal.
Mandatory field
Price Price of the product or service
Unit of measurement Unit of measurement of the quantity of goods.
Possible units: pc, t, kg, g, km, m, cm, ha, are, sq m, cu m, l, hour, day, week, month, service
Currency Currency, monetary unit of price.
One of uzs, rub, usd, eur
Minimum wholesale price Minimum wholesale price
Maximum wholesale price Maximum wholesale price
Unit of measure for wholesale Unit of measurement of the quantity of goods for the wholesale price.
Possible units: pc, t, kg, g, km, m, cm, ha, are, sq m, cu m, l, hour, day, week, month, service
Currency for wholesale Currency, monetary unit of wholesale price.
One of uzs, rub, usd, eur
Product photos URL link for the item picture. You can add only one photo.
Inactive If an ad is not active (not published on the website), enter "Yes."

List of categories of the portal FLAGMA.

To specify in the import file sections of goods / services download the list of sections of the FLAGMA portal.

Import ads using YML and YRL formats

The YML and YRL standards are based on the XML standard. Allowed encodings of YML and YRL files: UTF-8.
Example YML file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<yml_catalog date="2019-01-29 11:44">
    <company>Sunrise, LLC</company>
      <currency rate="1" id="uah"/>
      <currency rate="0.42" id="rub"/>
      <currency rate="27.79" id="usd"/>
      <currency rate="31.73" id="eur"/>
      <category id="119">Oil Cheese Fat</category>
      <offer id="4797626" available="true">
        <name>Sunflower oil</name>
        <description>High quality sunflower oil.</description>
Example YRL file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<realty-feed xmlns="http://webmaster.yandex.ru/schemas/feed/realty/2010-06">
<offer internal-id="1245">         
<deal-status>первичная продажа вторички</deal-status>               
  <address>Яузская улица, 27</address> 
  <unit>кв. м</unit> 
<offer internal-id="3">         
  <region>Ленинградская область</region>             
  <district>Выборгский район</district>             
  <address>Cторожевой башни, 2</address>   
  <unit>кв. м</unit> 
  <unit>кв. м</unit>
  <unit>кв. м</unit>   
<offer internal-id="15">         
  <region>Московская область</region>             
  <unit>кв. м</unit> 

Import ads in XML format (Price.ua)

Example of XML file format price.ua:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>Internet shop</name>
<currency code="USD" rate="28.00"/>
<category id="1">Мобильные телефоны</category>
<category id="1001" parentID="1">Мобильные телефоны Motorola</category>
<item id="330">
<name>Motorola A1200</name>
<description>GSM 900/1800/1900. Тип корпуса: раскладушка. Аккумулятор: 850 мАч.....</description>
Select category